Monday, January 10, 2011

Two Horses Killed and a Truck on Fire

A man's truck caught fire right after he hit and killed two horses. I'm sorry, but this story is too good to pass up.

Austin Hills (from Provo) was driving in Midway on his way home to the Town of Terrible Drivers, when he happened upon a herd of horses.

Two horses were killed on impact when Hills' pickup hit them while driving over a bridge.
"I mostly just hit the brakes and hoped for the best. There wasn't a whole lot of time to think," said Hills.

He blames the fog. I blame his reckless Provo driving! Almost every time I go down there I have a near miss with some one more classy than me.

The resulting damage was severe enough to cause Hills' truck to catch on fire.
Utah Highway Patrol Lt. Randall Richey says that accidents involving large animals like horses often turn out bad for both the driver and the animal.

We regret to inform you that at least two animals were harmed in the making of this blog.

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