Saturday, July 2, 2011


This only futhers my theory that the most comical name is Steve.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Movie Review: X-Men: First Class

As most of you know we used to do a movie review on the old Name Pending show back on K-UTE. So I figured why not bring it back? I mean I like movies and I'm assuming you like movies, otherwise you'd have stopped reading this post by now, what with the title "Movie Review" and everything. So grab your crocks and hold onto your socks, 'cause here we go!

This weeks movie review is the latest X-Men movie. First Class made me want to watch the first X-Men movie again, which is probably one of the best things a prequel can do. After watching the first movie again I decided that I actually preferred the prequel which is something that I never thought I'd say, especially after what George Lucas did to us. After Episodes I and II I walked into the theater for Episode III saying to myself, "I've got a bad feeling about this..."

The music was beautiful, composed by Henry Jackman. You may recognize Jackman from other movies. He composed the music for Monsters vs. Aliens and was a part of the music department that worked on The Dark Knight and Pirates of the Caribbean sequels. During the opening scene in the concentration camps with Magnito he wove the score of the original X-Men movie by Michael Kayman into his own score.

Speaking of that first scene, the idea to take the opening scene from the first movie and tweak it to work with this new X-Men movie: pure genius. They cut it down from the original and worked it into the faster pace of this new movie. Then it cuts to the introduction of the evil Kevin Bacon. 

Either he is good at acting evil or he actually is an evil person. I can't be sure. I don't care who you are, Kevin Bacon is just an evil lookin dude. He is a great villain that you just love to hate. River Wild anyone? Who's with me?

Also, in closing I just have to give a shout out to all the sideburns in this movie. The movie takes place primarily in the 60s around the Cuban Missile crisis. The fashion and the technology was all vintage Austin Powers, not to mention the upholstery of Kevin Bacon's evil supervillain submarine. The living room in the submarine was easily any 1960s James Bond villain's dream come true. But the award for best sideburns in this film go to Kevin Bacon (Unless you count the brief but memorable appearance of Hugh Jackman). Honorable mention go to Charles Xavier and Magnito for their sideburns contribution.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Famous last words

That's right everyone I'm doing two posts in a row. Better pick up the slack Mike.
Anyways I had, what I thought to be, a funny idea. To make a list of famous last words. So here we go...

"She's unsinkable!"
"It'll hold..."
"That's just an old wives tale..."
"Hey Laura, I think I'll run for President..."
"Goggles are all I need..."
"That never happens..." (Can also be substituted with "What are the chances of that?")
"I think you overestimate their chances..."
"I'm sure its fine..."
"Chef recommends (it)!"
"Extended warranty?! How can I lose?!"
"Hey Laura, I think I'll run for a second term..."
"Now that's gotta reach..."
"One knot outta do it..."
"Oh its just a log in the water..."
"I can fit..."
"Well if it does we'll just fix it after..."
"No one will ever know..."
"Super glue never fails."
"I just pay a fee now and then tell 6 of my closest friends..."
"You'll never know unless you try..."

If you can think of some more, please feel free to post them.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

So Mike it's been a while since your last glorious post was posted. So I thought I'd better get on it for our two loyal followers.
I have been racking my brain for HOURS, no MINUTES trying to think of something to write about. Finally I decided to resort back to one of our favorite segments of the old radio show.... Our "Ho Hum" Movie reviews.
Last night my wife and I sat down at around 10:30, well after we had put my son down, to enjoy the Will Ferrell/ Mark Wahlberg comedy "The Other Guys".
In my opinion this is Ferrell's best work. He steps out of his usual self-absorbed wannabe-athlete character (Talladega Nights, Semipro, Blades of Glory) to play a complete nerd. And he does so with hilarity. I'm not a Ferrell fan, but I enjoyed him in this one.
I was disappointed however in Wahlberg. He was too over the top and not that funny. But he kept my wife interested. HI OH!
I should erase that last part...
Instead I'll say "but his hair kept me interested". He really does have nice hair. HI OH!
The show stealer I would say was Steve Coogan (Night at the Museum), who played the English business man who Ferrell and Wahlberg are convinced is a criminal. So watch for him. I guess.
I give this one a solid "Eh". Meaning I would see it again, mostly because I kind of have to. Jack woke up at about 11 and wouldn't go back to bed so between the crying, holding, and looking for a binki in the dark, I missed big chunks of dialogue. It may have actually been a terrible movie, or the most hilarious thing I would have ever seen, and because it was a red box I may never know.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Two Horses Killed and a Truck on Fire

A man's truck caught fire right after he hit and killed two horses. I'm sorry, but this story is too good to pass up.

Austin Hills (from Provo) was driving in Midway on his way home to the Town of Terrible Drivers, when he happened upon a herd of horses.

Two horses were killed on impact when Hills' pickup hit them while driving over a bridge.
"I mostly just hit the brakes and hoped for the best. There wasn't a whole lot of time to think," said Hills.

He blames the fog. I blame his reckless Provo driving! Almost every time I go down there I have a near miss with some one more classy than me.

The resulting damage was severe enough to cause Hills' truck to catch on fire.
Utah Highway Patrol Lt. Randall Richey says that accidents involving large animals like horses often turn out bad for both the driver and the animal.

We regret to inform you that at least two animals were harmed in the making of this blog.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

A dashing smile and a warm welcome

A dashing smile and a warm welcome, maybe even a friendly hug is what you'll get when you visit us here at Name Pending with Jon and Mike (patent pending). Our purpose here is to not only entertain ourselves, but also you. Our former listeners and now readers.
When Mike sent me the email saying "we're back!" with no information at all I thought to myself "it's about time".
Mike and I created this blog for many different reasons. Firstly it's a chance for all those blog readers out there who are tired of reading about how many kids their former high school friends have, and how much more successful their successful husbands are than yours, to get in a well deserved laugh at a racist joke without worrying about offending their co-workers. It's also a chance for Mike and I to tell those racist jokes without being held to the lawful standards of this great nation in which we reside. Freedom of speech= Say what you want about anybody, as long as you don't do it in a church, workplace, school, public forum, newspaper, neighbor's sidewalk, mother's kitchen, BYU football game, or public facility. Which leaves only the internet and one's own rooftop with a megaphone as the only medium for speaking one's mind, and because niether one of us has a rooftop or megaphone, we look to the internet for our creative solace.
Also this blog is a protest to being treated unfairly by the tyrant known as K-UTE and it's tide of nasty cohorts. How dare they not pay us!
So Mike and I, with much satisfaction and pleasure have taken our talents to The southbeach of the internet.
We hope you enjoy it as much as we do. We haven't really talked about what or when we will be posting, but rest assured posts are on there way.


P.S. "Spare a dollar?"

Sunday, January 2, 2011

We're Back

Name Pending has been off the air for four months now, and our absents has been keenly felt by the internet.

To ease the pain and stop the incessant phone calls and emails Jon and I have been getting, we've turned to our friends at With their help Name Pending has hit the internet like Jon hits the Carne Asada Burrito at Beto's.

So with no further ado let us have a look at the BYU Police Blotter for old time sake, just to see what we've been missing...

Suspicious Activity

Oct. 20 Three males were seen entering the Wilkinson Center. One of them went and suspiciously changed his pants. When officers arrived, they searched the area that the student changed in and found nothing.

Nov. 11 Someone called to report a vehicle in Lot 40 with a door left open. The vehicle was gone when officers arrived.

Nov. 13 A concerned citizen reported seeing a bag of alcohol near the Wilkinson Center. It was actually a bag of groceries and the owner got onto the bus and left with it.

Nov. 13 A student reported his bike was stolen. He later found it, realizing he had just forgotten where he had parked it.

You just can't make stuff like this up. That's it for now.

Remember, I'm Mike Olson, but you didn't hear it from me...